What is the

Diamond State
Networks Mission?

What Makes DSN Different?

+ Diamond State Networks is 100% owned by electric cooperatives.

+ The residents that are served by Arkansas’ electric cooperatives ultimately own and govern Diamond State Networks.

+ The ownership by electric cooperatives ensures that our focus is always on reliability and affordability.

The Need for Fiber Broadband Access

Arkansas has historically ranked near the lowest connected states in our country.  Diamond State Networks mission is to take Arkansas from the bottom of the list to the top, and we are investing more than $1.66 Billion to make that happen.

Components of the Mission:

Best-in-Class Connectivity

+ Making symmetrical 10-Gigabit (or higher) services available to all consumers
+ Sustainability: Implementing both high-capacity and highly redundant networks
+ Attract content providers to Arkansas (reduces cost and increases efficient use of bandwidth)

Long-Term Cost Control

+ High-Volume, Tier 1 Traffic Aggregation = Low-cost services
+ Bring the Content to Arkansas = Lower cost and greater experience

Affordability for All

+ Continually pass savings along to consumers
+ Create a matrix of income challenge and inclusion programs
+ Disrupt current models for education and healthcare connectivity

Important Consumer Connections

Now more than ever, residents desire to live in communities where they can connect to the world around them.  Diamond State Networks seeks to strengthen all of Arkansas by helping to expand broadband connectivity to communities throughout our state.  With a strong broadband connection, Arkansans can live practically anywhere they wish and still have connectivity to the three most important services: employment, education and healthcare.



+ After 2020, there is more remote work opportunity than EVER

+ Major metropolitan area growth slowed in 2020 for the first time in decades

+ Excellent connectivity is the key to unlocking these opportunities



+ High school, higher education

+ Vocational and technical education; skills training

+ Job skills and certification training



+ Primary care clinics expanding rapidly (enabled by broadband)

+ Remote specialty care in rural Arkansas

+ Telehealth network expansions through public and private partnerships